Smoking Policy on Royal Caribbean Cruises (Updated 2024)

Smoking Policy on Royal Caribbean Cruises

In this article, we will explore the smoking policy on Royal Caribbean Cruises, including where smoking is allowed, the consequences for violating the policy, and health and safety concerns. Important to note, Royal Caribbean Cruises is committed to providing a pleasant experience for all passengers, including both smokers and non-smokers. However, to maintain a harmonious environment onboard, Royal Caribbean has implemented a smoking policy that regulates smoking in various areas of their ships.

Royal Caribbean Smoking Policy Overview

Royal Caribbean Smoking Policy Overview

Royal Caribbean Cruises maintains a primarily smoke-free environment to ensure the comfort of all guests. Smoking is strictly prohibited in most areas of the ship, including staterooms, staterooms balconies, and most public spaces. However, the cruise line does provide designated smoking areas where passengers can enjoy their cigarettes or cigars. See more!

Smoking Policy in Staterooms and Balconies

To maintain clean air quality and prevent fire hazards, smoking is not permitted in staterooms or on balconies aboard Royal Caribbean ships. This policy applies to all types of smoking materials, including cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and electronic cigarettes.

Passengers found smoking in their staterooms or on their balconies may face one or more of the consequences or actions outlined in the smoking policy (The actions are highlighted a few scrolls down in this article).

Designated Smoking Areas

Royal Caribbean recognizes that some guests may be smokers and provides designated areas where smoking is allowed. These areas are typically located in designated outdoor spaces on the ship, away from non-smoking areas. Passengers are expected to adhere to the smoking policy and confine their smoking activities to these designated areas only.

Designated Smoking Areas

Smoking Policy in Public Areas

Most interior public areas on Royal Caribbean ships are smoke-free. This includes dining venues, theaters, showrooms, and other indoor areas. The cruise line aims to provide a comfortable environment for all passengers, including those with respiratory conditions or allergies.

By enforcing a no-smoking policy in public areas, Royal Caribbean ensures that non-smokers can enjoy their cruise experience without exposure to second-hand smoke.

Smoking Policy in Casinos

Casinos on Royal Caribbean ships often have designated smoking areas for those who enjoy gambling and smoking simultaneously. These areas are carefully separated from non-smoking areas to prevent smoke from spreading. Passengers who wish to smoke while playing in the casino should only do so in the designated smoking areas.

Consequences for Violating the Smoking Policy

Royal Caribbean takes the enforcement of its smoking policy seriously. Passengers found in violation of the policy may face consequences, which can include warnings, fines, or even a ban from using the ship.

For instance, if a guest is in violation of stateroom smoking policy, a cleaning fee of $250 USD will be applied to their SeaPass account and may be subject to further actions.

It’s therefore crucial for all guests to understand and respect the smoking policy to avoid any unnecessary disruptions during their cruise vacation.

Consequences for Violating the Smoking Policy

Smoking Policy Enforcement

Royal Caribbean’s crew members are responsible for enforcing the smoking policy and ensuring compliance from all passengers. They receive training to address any potential issues related to smoking and to handle situations where the policy is being violated. Any person who breaks the Royal Caribbean cruise line smoking policies may face one or more of the following enforcement actions:

  • Intervention by Security, other management personnel, or law enforcement.
  • Reporting to the competent government and law enforcement authorities.
  • Removal of certain onboard privileges, which may include being detained, quarantined or confined in a stateroom or holding cell.
  • Confiscation of illegal, contraband or prohibited items, which may, at their discretion, be turned over to law enforcement authorities.
  • Temporarily or permanently suspending loyalty benefits.
  • Temporarily or permanently demoting loyalty tier status.
  • Denial of boarding or removal from the vessel
  • Denial of boarding on any future Royal Caribbean Group cruise vacation.

By actively enforcing these policy actions, Royal Caribbean aims to create a pleasant and inclusive environment for all guests.

Smoking Policy for E-cigarettes

Royal Caribbean’s smoking policy also extends to electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes). This substance is subject to the same rules and regulations as traditional tobacco products. Using e-cigarettes is not allowed in staterooms, balconies, or most public areas.

Health and Safety Concerns

The smoking policy on Royal Caribbean Cruises is designed with health and safety concerns in mind. Second-hand smoke can be harmful to non-smoking passengers, especially those with respiratory conditions.

By maintaining a smoke-free environment in most public areas, Royal Caribbean aims to ensure the well-being of all passengers and create a healthy atmosphere onboard.

Impact on Non-Smoking Passengers

The smoking policy on Royal Caribbean Cruises has a significant impact on non-smoking passengers. By strictly enforcing a smoke-free policy in most areas, the cruise line ensures that non-smokers can enjoy their cruise experience without exposure to second-hand smoke. This approach caters to the needs of a diverse group of passengers and promotes a comfortable and inclusive environment for all.

Cruise Line Trends and Comparisons

Royal Caribbean Cruises’ smoking policy is reflective of the broader trends in the cruise industry. Many cruise lines have adopted similar smoke-free policies to create a healthier and more enjoyable environment for their passengers.

However, specific smoking policies may vary from one cruise line to another. It is essential for passengers to familiarize themselves with the smoking policy of the cruise line they choose to sail with.

Final Thoughts

Royal Caribbean Cruises prioritizes the comfort and safety of all passengers by implementing a comprehensive smoking policy. This policy ensures a primarily smoke-free environment onboard, allowing non-smoking passengers to enjoy their cruise experience without exposure to second-hand smoke.

By understanding and respecting the smoking policy, all passengers can contribute to a pleasant and harmonious atmosphere on Royal Caribbean ships.


Can I smoke in my stateroom or on my balcony?

Answer: Smoking is not permitted in staterooms or on balconies to maintain clean air quality and prevent fire hazards.

Where can I smoke on a Royal Caribbean cruise?

Answer: Royal Caribbean provides designated smoking areas in outdoor spaces on the ship. Smoking should be confined to these designated areas only.

What happens if I violate the smoking policy?

Answer: Passengers found in violation of the smoking policy may face consequences, including warnings, fines, being detained, quarantined or confined in a stateroom or holding cell.

Are e-cigarettes allowed onboard?

Answer: Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) are subject to the same rules as traditional tobacco products and are generally not permitted in staterooms or most public areas.

Do other cruise lines have similar smoking policies?

Answer: Yes, many cruise lines have adopted smoke-free policies to create a healthier and more enjoyable environment for all passengers. It’s important to check the smoking policy of the specific cruise line you choose to sail with.

Also Read: List of Drinks Included on a Royal Caribbean Cruise