Why Is Blackpool So Poor? [8 Reasons From Locals]

Blackpool faces significant poverty, evident from multiple factors. Official sources highlight the town’s grim condition, citing high death rates due to poverty, with estimates suggesting around 22% of total deaths in Blackpool stem from impoverished circumstances, among the highest rates in England.

Child poverty is particularly distressing, with reports indicating Blackpool as the town with the highest level of child poverty in Lancashire, affecting approximately 26 percent of children.

Bloomfield, the poorest district, grapples with pervasive issues such as high smoking rates, alcoholism, drug-related deaths, and a prevalence of betting shops, while areas like Grange Park and Queens Park experience anti-social behavior, harassment, and challenges in maintaining law and order, exacerbating the town’s impoverished state.

Why Is Blackpool So Poor

Why Is Blackpool So Poor?

1. High Percentage of Homeless Population

Blackpool grapples with a notable homeless population, facing challenges in accessing stable housing. Limited affordable housing options, economic disparities, and social issues contribute to this crisis. According to Blackpool Gazette notice, 13 per 100,000 people seek housing help in Blackpool compared to 6 per 100,000 people on average in other parts of the UK. The lack of suitable shelter impacts individuals’ ability to secure employment, access essential services, and break free from the cycle of poverty.

2. High Child Poverty Rates (26% of children in poverty)

The staggering child poverty rates in Blackpool paint a distressing picture of economic disparity. Factors such as unemployment, low wages, inadequate access to quality education and healthcare, and family-related challenges contribute to this alarming statistic. Children living in poverty often face barriers to educational success, healthcare, and a secure upbringing, impacting their future prospects.

3. High Alcohol & Drug Consumption

Blackpool and the whole of Lancashire struggle with high rates of alcoholism and drug consumption, which significantly affect the well-being of individuals and exacerbate socio-economic challenges. Across Lancashire 33% of supply offences involved cocaine, 29% heroin, 10% crack and 9% cannabis. Substance abuse can lead to unemployment, health issues, and strained family dynamics, amplifying the cycle of poverty.

4. Rampant Illegal Activities on the Streets

The prevalence of illegal activities on the streets, including petty crimes, illicit drug dealing, and antisocial behavior, creates an unsafe environment and deters potential investments. This environment affects the quality of life for residents and visitors, impacting community cohesion and economic development.

5. Reduced Life Expectancy

Blackpool faces a concerning trend of reduced life expectancy compared to national averages. This issue is often linked to poverty-related health disparities, including limited access to healthcare services, higher rates of chronic illnesses, substance abuse, and mental health issues. These factors collectively contribute to a shorter lifespan for residents, reflecting the overall impact of poverty on health outcomes.

6. Poor Health for Locals

The prevalence of poverty correlates with poorer health outcomes for locals in Blackpool. Health issues such as obesity, respiratory problems, mental health disorders, and infectious diseases are more prevalent due to limited access to healthcare, unhealthy living conditions, and lifestyle factors influenced by poverty. The lack of resources and preventative healthcare exacerbates these health challenges.

7. Lack of Stable Employment

The town struggles with a lack of stable job opportunities, leading to unemployment or underemployment. Limited industries and economic diversification, coupled with skill mismatches and educational disparities, hinder residents from securing stable, well-paying jobs. Unstable employment perpetuates financial insecurity, impacting families and individuals.

8 Lack of Career Development

Career advancement and professional growth opportunities are limited in Blackpool, impacting residents’ ability to improve their socio-economic status. The absence of robust career development programs, vocational training, and educational resources constrains individuals from acquiring skills needed for higher-paying jobs or career progression, further entrenching the cycle of poverty.

Facts about Blackpool UK

A report by Lancashire County Council found out several factors that highlight the severity and complexity of substance misuse issues in Blackpool, demanding targeted interventions and support to address these pressing challenges. The findings indicate that:

  • Drug and alcohol misuse present significant challenges in Blackpool, impacting communities, families, and individuals.
  • Blackpool shows notably higher rates of opiate and/or crack cocaine users compared to regional and national averages, posing concerns about substance abuse prevalence.
  • Completion rates for drug treatment among opiate users and non-opiate users in Lancashire-12, including Blackpool, indicate a declining trend, reflecting challenges in tackling substance misuse.
  • Blackpool records alarmingly higher rates of deaths from drug misuse compared to regional and national averages, signifying a severe issue within the town.
  • Hospital admissions due to substance misuse among young individuals aged 15-24 in Blackpool exceed national averages, indicating ongoing challenges with substance abuse among the youth.


These factors collectively highlight the systemic challenges in Blackpool, affecting residents’ health, economic stability, and overall well-being. Addressing these issues requires comprehensive strategies focusing on healthcare access, employment opportunities, education, and skill development to uplift the community and improve socio-economic conditions.

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